South Africa 1894, 2-1/2 shillings old world sterling silver coin #4267. You will get the exact coin pictured. It be the plank fer them lubbers what don’t pays on time. If’n yer late paying, no return privilege. Consign yer beuaties to the Ol’ Cap. Get images that make Supersized seem small. Showcase your items with Auctiva’s. Track Page Views With.
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FIFA 2010 WORLD CUP SOUTH AFRICA- SET OF 12 SILVER COINS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. A PERFECT GIFT FOR THIS CHRISTMAS. Please see the pictures as part of description. YOU GET WHAT YOU SEE IN THE PICTURES. The set of 12 glittering silver coins. From different counties comes in an elegant well-designed box by Macquarie Mint. It contains 12 silver coins, each one in a capsule and a numbered certificate of. For whatever reason if you are NOT SATISFIED. With the item, please send it back to me in two weeks. Continue Reading
This is a rare and highly sought-after 2 Shillings coin from South Africa, minted in 1895. It is made of silver and has circulated in the past, adding to its unique character and history. The coin features the iconic Zuid African design and is a key date for collectors. Its KM Number is 6 and it has not been modified. Although it is uncertified, it is a rare find and an excellent addition to any coin collection. Continue Reading
2011 R2 SILVER PROOF RUGBY WORLD CUP. This coin is in a new holder and has been conserved. This coin was obtained from Venezuela in a 5 coin set. This coin is a lessor duplicate in my collection. Continue Reading
Presumably these were to be made into FIFA sets for the host country of Russia but as of yet none has surfaced. This is not surprising due to the political situation that Russia has found itself in, with embargo’s and import restrictions by most civilized countries.
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